On Par with Hunter Thompson and Jack Kerouac
May 10, 2013
The reviews of our expanded reprint of John A. Keel’s first book, JADOO, are in, and they contain nothing but superlatives and flattering comparisons to some very well known literary figures, past and present. First up we have Nick Redfern, writing in Mysterious Universe: “What is Jadoo about? Well, if I was to say to you: ‘Try and imagine a story that is part-Raiders of the Lost Ark, part-Kerouac, part-Bukowski, part-The Da Vinci Code, and part-Hemingway and you have Jadoo,’ maybe that would help…If you want to learn about what the man who made Mothman famous (and who, in turn, was made famous by it) was doing long before Point Pleasant, West Virginia, dragged him, magnet-like, into its creepy confines, then buy and read Jadoo.” Next up is Micah Hanks writing in the Gralien Report; in Jadoo, he says, we see Keel, “the skeptical journalist as he meanders the fringes of civilization…Jadoo chases Keel’s life of mystery and strangeness back to it’s humble beginnings, and shares with us all the tragedy, humor, hardships, and enigmatic wonder of a young adventurer whose notes on life in other parts of the world might challenge the finest American journalism of his day, easily on par with the likes of Hunter Thompson and Jack Kerouac.” Wow.
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