Calling all forteans! We have just published what may be the most important volume of fortean research since Charles Fort started it all exactly a century ago with the publication of his first and most influential work, The Book of the Damned. That’s because Redemption of the Damned: Vol. 1 Aerial Phenomena by Martin Shough with Wim van Utrecht is a detailed re-examination of all 82 of that book’s anomalous observations in the fields of astronomy, meteorology, and atmospheric optics. The authors conduct a careful scientific investigation of these aerial mysteries of the past using the tools of the modern researcher. In the words of Bob Rickard, who has written the foreword to this huge (410 page), large format (8.27 × 11.69 inch), full-color book with more than 250 illustrations, “It is the sort of study that true forteans have long hoped for and will welcome unequivocally as adding considerably to what we know of Fort, his work and its implication.”
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