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Challenging Perceptions

November 13, 2007

Shadow WorldShadow World, Brad Steiger’s book on multidimensional beings, tricksters, shape-shifters, spirit mimics, and spirit parasites, is generating high praise and otherworldly sales. Brent Raynes at Alternate Perceptions says “Brad Steiger offers his readers various thoughtful and carefully researched possible interpretations for these very puzzling manifestations…that may unexpectedly intrude into our own lives.” We think Raynes may have had a hard time putting the book down: “You’ll have a hell of a time prying your fingers loose from this riveting book of true spine-chilling supernatural accounts…” Nick Redfern provides a very thoughtful review of the book on his blog at UFO Mystic. “Although Steiger does not go down the alien path in Shadow World,” writes Redfern, “it became clear to me on reading his book that the other-worldly entities – and their actions and activities – that he discusses are eerily similar in many ways to those of our so-called ‘aliens’…Steiger highlights case after case that will not sit well with those who see the afterlife as being one based merely around the simplistic ‘love and light’ approach.” “Wolfman” Dan Allen, a writer and illustrator for Studio Ronin, echoes these thoughts: “Shadow World is a chilling sojourn through the realm of the spirit world, and once again challenges our perception of where and why spirit beings originate. No, this is no mere gallery of ghosts and ghouls; it provides a panoramic painting of the motives and classifications of ethereal beings…Once again, my hat goes off to Brad for expanding our knowledge…”