Artists, Writers, and the Precognitive Imagination
by Eric Wargo
Trade Paperback, 408 Pages
$24.95, ISBN: 978-1-949501-33-9
Psychic Abilities
Creativity Is Time Travel. Literally.
Artists and writers very often predict future events in their work. Skeptics dismiss these anomalies, but what if they hold the key to the creative imagination? In this mind-bending book, the 40,000-year history of art is reconsidered as a literally prophetic enterprise. From Ice Age cave paintings to the novels of Virginia Woolf and Philip K. Dick, the films of Werner Herzog and David Lynch, and even the songs of The Beatles, Wargo makes a case for the inherently time-defying nature of inspiration. Creators often channel their own futures—and the future of their culture—in their art. It is an entirely new way of thinking about one of humanity’s oldest questions: Where do new ideas come from?
About the Author: Eric Wargo has a PhD in anthropology from Emory University and is the author of two previous books on precognition: Precognitive Dreamwork and the Long Self and the acclaimed Time Loops. He also writes about science fiction, consciousness, and parapsychology at his popular blog, The Nightshirt.
Acknowledgments Introduction: Move Along, Nothing to See Here
PART ONE: PRECOGNITION AND INSPIRATION 1. Sculptor of the Impossible: Michael Richards, 9/11, and the Science of Precognition 2. Steampunk Connection: Extraordinary Inspiration and the Empire of Meanwhile 3. No Backstory: Precognition and the Unconscious 4. Falling from the Sky: Trauma, Free Will, and the Prophetic Sublime
PART TWO: ARTISTS AND SHAMANS, SEPARATED AT BIRTH 5. “They Have Been Here!”: Cave Art and Long Superhumanity 6. Life in the Deep C: Virginia Woolf and Cine-Chronicity 7. Arise O Prophet! Work My Will:Andrei Tarkovsky in the Fourth Bunker 8. From Nothing: Cy Twombly, Time Machines, and Creation ex Nihilo
PART THREE: ALIENATED MAJESTY 9. Culture in Reverse: Future-Plagiarism and the Anxiety of Precognitive Influence 10. Aliens and Archetypes: From the Collective Unconscious to the Unified Field 11. VALIS-PM: Philip K. Dick, Jacques Vallée, and Control Systems 12. Tradition and Tesseract: Culture, Synchronicity, and Prophecy
Afterword: Living Creatures, Flying Blenders,and Long Selves Notes Index |